A warm welcome to the newest member of 'Team Space!'

Evans has joined the team as our Business Development Manager, helping
new and existing customers get the most for their money on a regular
basis in Cardiff and Swansea.
If you would like to know more
about our corporate accommodation then please get in touch with Tracey
who will be delighted to assist with your accommodation needs.
Tracey revealed more about herself in a brief Q&A at our Cardiff HQ:
What experience do you have in the accommodation sector?
I won’t reveal exactly , but very many years in the hotel industry
How are you finding A Space in the City?
It’s a pleasure to be working for such a dynamic and forward thinking
company. The product itself is fantastic. Once the clients have seen
what we have to offer they are usually very impressed which makes my job
a little easier.
Do you have any hidden talents or any interests?
It always surprises people that I am a bit of an adrenalin junkie. I
love skiing (fast), have flown a helicopter and driven a formula 4
racing car! I just love big American roller coasters.
Favourite Sandwich?
I can’t choose between sweet and savoury. Either brown bread and
banana or hot brie and crispy bacon (I am hungry now just thinking about
Beans on toast or cheese on toast?
Beans on toast but it has to be Heinz or nothing!
Favourite childhood sweet?
Red liquorice. Still is!
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